
Promoters of physician-assisted suicide admitted in their public testimony to the Public Health Committee of the Connecticut General Assembly  that some 'safeguards" were unnecessary.  Compassion & Choices has sued several states to remove safeguards, such as the residency requirements. The state of Vermont  removed the residency requirement in their law in response to litigation brought by Compassion and Choices.



  • "Occasionally the dying process is interrupted as a result of incomplete ingestion or vomiting of medications, confusion about timing of dying trajectory, familial emotional distress, and other variables. A case is presented here of a patient who arrived by ambulance to an urban ED after ingesting physician-assisted dying medication. Stepwise analysis of communication and actions between providers (paramedics, emergency physician, and admitting physician), risk management, and family are described chronologically. This case highlights the significant distress experienced by each party." "No Easy Way Out: A Case of Physician-Assisted Dying in the Emergency Department," Wang, MD. Science Direct. Oct 2017.
  • "Physicians reported unease with prognosticating six-month life expectancy and some felt “compelled” to consult their hospital for legal or ethics support. [20]. A California report described apprehension in qualifying a patient as eligible for EAD when the patient had a disease state currently stabilized with invasive life-prolonging treatment." Science Direct, 2016.

Past is Prologue in Canada:

Data from: The Third Annual Report on Medical Assistance in Dying in Canada 2021.